Copper Country Robotics
at Michigan Technological University

We Volunteer arrow_downward
Copper Country Robotics connects the Upper Peninsula together by volunteering at multiple different FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST Robotics Competition events, often serving as many of the key positions at the competitions.
Our FIRST Robotics Competition Impact:
Escanaba, MI Sault Ste. Marie, MI Saginaw, MI

Our FIRST Tech Challenge Impact:
Houghton, MI Escanaba, MI

Need us for an event? Reach out via our email ( to talk robotics volunteering! We have experienced members that just understand FIRST Robotics, and serve in key roles such as Referee, FTAA, Scorekeeper, Head Referee, Queuer, CSA, and general technical assistance!
We Mentor arrow_downward
Mentoring is just something that we get! We have several experienced mentors for FRC and FTC teams, and are excited to collaberate with any team that needs assistance. We frequently mentor teams around the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and have a solid impact across teams and competitions.
Our mentors are active students at Michigan Tech, and are learning how to effectively lead and engage others. Students who mentor with Copper Country Robotics are paired up with a team that fits their schedule!
Need an additional mentor for your team? Email ( and we can get you set up with a virtual / in-person mentor!
We Host arrow_downward
FIRST Robotics Competition Bootcamp
Every November, we host the FRC Bootcamp on Michigan Tech's campus, where new and experienced FRC teams arrive to learn about a multitude of different topics hosted by members of Copper Country Robotics. Every year, we've gotten very positive feedback about the sessions, volunteers, and activities!
Interested in coming? Email ( to get started!
Robot in 3 Days
Starting in 2025, we are hosting a Robot in 3 Days program for our members to experiment, test, and put their skills to use! We are seeking all types of robotics students, and encourage everyone to participate!
Robot in 3 Days at Michigan Tech is sponsored by the College of Computing and College of Engineering at Michigan Tech!